The teachers at Bellbird Park SSC are committed to a common mission for our students – we believe in a year's worth of progress for a year's input. Our teachers enjoy assisting students to grow, perform and achieve success.
Every year at Bellbird Park SSC, we have an intentional focus on enhancing student outcomes. Student growth and success is a key strategic driver at our college. Our college recognises that growth and success is very different for every student, and our staff work tirelessly to nurture and appropriately challenge every student, so they can be the best they can be.
"A year's worth of progress for a year's input"

Recruitment of quality teachers.
| Investment in teacher professional
development that builds their skillsets, knowledge and capabilities.
| Teachers are encouraged to experiment with evidence-based teaching strategies. |
Teachers set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time specific) goals through a formal Annual Performance Review process.
| Teachers intentionally collaborate with other teachers in meaningful professional conversations about teaching and learning, student progress and achievement.
| Engagement in Peer Observations where teachers share their expertise with colleagues.
Access to Advisory Teachers
in Reading, Writing, Numeracy, Cognitions and Behaviour to support teachers in
| Teachers receive formal feedback from line managers about their Annual Performance goals
| Formal mentoring of beginning and early career teachers as an additional layer of support.
"Bellbird Art and Science of Teaching"
Bellbird Park SSC has a clear mission statement – A year's worth of progress for a year's input. It is the collective belief in this mission that drives the teachers here. The framework that drives our Teaching and Learning has been named the Bellbird Art and Science of Teaching because so many contemporary research initiatives are embedded within it. Each teacher reflects and reviews their performance annually, with reference to our college Annual Implementation Plan and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. This is a formal process undertaken in consultation with line managers, and involves lesson observations, feedback and goal setting.