Positive behaviour for learning (PBL) is an evidence based framework for improving student outcomes. It works to create safe and effective environments for teaching and learning through addressing the diverse needs that learners have, be they academic or social. It uses a continuum of support to target the individual needs of each student.
PBL is a team driven approach. The PBL Team at Bellbird Park SSC includes members of the teaching and support staff, as well as the school’s middle and senior leadership teams. We run various programs and processes to create a positive classroom environment and a safe and respectful whole school culture. We also run specific interventions to target any problems that arise in the day to day running of the school, to keep our standards high and ensure all our students are meeting our RISE values – Responsibility, Integrity, Support and Effort. View our PBL Expectations Matrix for full details.

The Traffic Lights were designed to help students take control of their problems by reflecting and self-assessing to determine what they should do and whether they need help.

Postcards are another method for communicating the successes of students with their parents and carers. Students whose behaviour meets our RISE values will receive a surprise postcard, to share with their families, in the mail congratulating them on their effort.

Effort and Behaviour breaks down the expectations around our college for what excellent effort and behaviour look like. These are given out to students prior to reporting period to allow them to self-reflect on their performance during the term. Their self-assessments are combined with the teacher’s assessment of their performance when generating the effort and behaviour grades that you see on the report card.

Effort Awards are handed out during special ceremonies once a semester to recognise those students who received high effort results on their report cards.
Students are regularly reminded of our expectations regarding behaviour as they move in and around the school through simple checklists for each phase of the learning day.